TWO petitions online for Jian Ghomeshi
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2014-10-28 02:38:43 UTC
CORRECTION on the 'two' . . . there seems to be at least a half-dozen
petitions started up for Jian Ghomeshi. Sign as many as you have time to do.

type: petition jian ghomeshi into Google and you'll see the various petitions

Some are going to CBC, some to Jian himself, others will likely be forwarded to
Jian's lawyers. This time CBC misjudged the CBC audience; we would have been
less shocked by any story leaked by his accuser, than by CBC trying him in the
'court of public opinion' by firing him. Very, very bad judgment, CBC.

Sign them both if you want him back - as most of Canadians do. His private sex
life is no one's business.



2014-10-28 22:14:48 UTC
I listen to a lot of CBC programming but not the Q. There are some
inconsistencies in the stories goign around. Ghomeshi was the one who revealed
that he is in to some kinky stuff but claims the encounters were all
consensual. He says that a kilted lover is out for revenge, and I can buy that
one woman might get upset and make false allegations. However, according to the
reports in the Star, there are at least three women who have come forward with
similar stories. Then there is the CBC employee who says that Ghomeshi told her
that he was to "hate fuck" her.
What the hell does all that have to do with how he was doing his job on CBC?

You dummies are going into the details . . . 'he said' . . . 'she said' . . .
'they said' . . . .
What the hell do allegations like this have to do with the man's job on CBC?

If any one of them had actually been sexually assaulted, without consent, they
obviously would have filed a police complaint.
Seems none of them did.
This becomes nothing more than a private affair being used as a blackmail tool
by a single accuser and her contacts.
CBC should have known better than to fire him over something so common. No
investigation by authorities? Until one was done that proved him guilty of
something, he should have been allowed to continue in his job at CBC.

This is going to cost CBC more than just money. It's going to lower them in
the estimation of many, many Canadians. Including this one.
