2014-10-05 17:48:09 UTC
At just over $5 billion annually the federal government's deficit is far lower
than that of Liberal Kathleen Wynne's Liberal Ontario government. Even far leftist Karen Gordon will now have to take her hat off to Stephen Harper.
Total bullshit again, Lambourn. Harper's deficit-reduction was on the backs ofthan that of Liberal Kathleen Wynne's Liberal Ontario government. Even far leftist Karen Gordon will now have to take her hat off to Stephen Harper.
most Canadians. He withheld transfer payments to provinces, he capped
healthcare transfers to growing populations in those provinces, he withheld
military budget allotments from the defence department, he cut funding for
foreign programs involved with childcare and abortion, he cut huge numbers of
staff in the research and scientific fields involved with our environment . . .
. the list goes on and on.
He didn't reduce the deficit. He withheld monies promised to Canadians and
organizations who have relied on their tax dollars supporting programs that
mean a whole lot to them.
Oh, and by the way . . . It was Ontario's Liberal government that was the
hardest hit by the reduction of transfer payments to them - re-rerouted instead
to his home province of Alberta, oil-rich country. Rather than anyone taking
their hat off for Stephen Harper, they should support a public roasting of him
and his crony Cons on the steps of the Parliament buildings.
All proceeds to go towards the programs he's cut.