2014-11-08 01:45:59 UTC
The media should have left the Ghomeshi case where it belonged: in a court
room to be decided between accuser and accused. Only after such determination
of guilt or innocence should the name of the accused and the names of the
accusers been published.
What has happened instead, is that the Toronto Start, prodded by a freelance
shit disturber, Jesse Brown, decided to make 'a story' out of the accusations
against Jian Ghomeshi. Once they'd decided that, he had no choice but to fight
back with as much 'proof of consent' to his style of sex life as he had
available. Apparently it's not the LACK OF consent that is even the issue for
the CBC executive types: it's some marks left on the person of the female
partner of Ghomeshi.
Now the CBC has given an interview [
] in which a female CBC 'head of English programming' is saying that the 'CBC
is not the police'. Really? TTHEY made the decision that the marks on a
woman's body constituted 'assault'. THEY made the decision that S&M sex by one
of their employees in his private off-duty life (pretty private, I'd say) would
reflect badly on the CBC if it become public knowledge - which the Toronto Star
was promising to make it. THEY made the decision to fire a top-notch radio
personality PRIOR TO that public release by the Toronto Star. And now they're
saying 'they're not the police' ?!
You bet they're not. NO ONE went to the police over the sexual activities of
Ghomeshi in his private life. No one even laid a formal complaint on
Ghomeshi's actions ON THE JOB, although suddenly everyone seems to have a tale
to tell about his sexual appetites, dating habits, and 'touchiness' incident.
The CBC acted as police, judge and jury on Ghomeshi. They opened up an
atmosphere of 'come to us and tell us your stories' AFTER they publicly
humiliated the man. Now they just can't seem to find those complaints or
stories or any employer actions taken against him for those actions.
Worse still, the Toronto police chief, Bill Blair, has gone public to ASK FOR
female complainants to come forward if they have anything on Ghomeshi. They
obviously aren't getting too much in the way of strong evidence against him, if
they have to go to that extreme. They've also 'invited' Jian Ghomeshi to come
in to talk with him and give his side of the story. Are we kidding here?
If there is enough evidence to lay charges against him, they wouldn't need him
to tell 'his side' of any story. They would lay the charges and let the
lawyers for the parties get both sides of the story IN A COURTROOM.
This public lynching is having even more serious side effects as a result of
statements made by the media, by the police and by lawyers who seem to know
less than about such cases than do some professionals who deal with sexual
assault cases. The fact that the police have made it clear that there 'is no
statute of limitations on assault or sexual assault' has many people who have
experienced sexual harassment or sexual assault suddenly 'remembering and
replaying' the incidents from their pasts. And for many of these, the current
example of a man's career, personal reputation, and future job prospects being
damaged through strictly MEDIA reporting is quite an adventure for them.
If the stats on 'unreported sexual assaults' is anywhere near what is being
reported, then there are thousands upon thousands of 'victims' out there who
can take advantage of the current system of roasting a person through the media
- without even having to provide proof of the acts in their accusation. The
media will be their weapon or mechanism to inflict real and serious punishment
or revenge. This could even become a tool for taking someone 'down' for past
humiliations or even business transactions gone wrong.
The examples are now pouring in: MPs in the House pointing the finger at each
other for incidents from the past. Even a homosexual coming forward to point
the finger at someone who was overly 'touchy-feeling' with him. The ALLEGED
offenders are being named. But the accusers, in most part, are NOT.
This is a wholly-opened Pandora's box which will do a whole lot of harm to a
whole lot of people just because of the way THE MEDIA and the POLICE have
handled it. They've implied that their doors are open to any and all
allegations . . . 'come one, come all, we're here to hear you out and to put
the name of your alleged offender in the media'. Where have the voices been
that warned: 'Any accusations will be thoroughly looked at and if enough
evidence is provided or found, charges will be laid and the case WILL PROCEED
Of the NINE women who initially said they had been in some way harassed or
assaulted by Ghomeshi, only THREE went to file a police complaint. And the
police obviously didn't have enough evidence come in from those 3 complainants
to lay charges - they're now appealing, through the media, for any evidence to
support these womens' stories. And still no charges to date.
Now we have the CBC trying to protect their own executive asses by saying THEY
received no complaints from anyone? And no one is coming forward to say that
they took their concerns to a level of even a formal complaint?
Watch what happens in the next few weeks, months and even years . . . . people
who have bitter memories of improper sexual advances are going to use the media
to exact revenge on others. The perpetrators will have names. The accusers
will not. Guess who's already in the winner's box?
I would like to remind the misogynists we have posting here, on these
newsgroups, that they may have had 'bad dates' or sexual interactions in their
past that could make THEM targets of this latest method of 'exacting
punishment'. It's called using the media as the whip. . . . . the best kind of
S&M tool create to date: permanent scars without even owning a riding crop.
room to be decided between accuser and accused. Only after such determination
of guilt or innocence should the name of the accused and the names of the
accusers been published.
What has happened instead, is that the Toronto Start, prodded by a freelance
shit disturber, Jesse Brown, decided to make 'a story' out of the accusations
against Jian Ghomeshi. Once they'd decided that, he had no choice but to fight
back with as much 'proof of consent' to his style of sex life as he had
available. Apparently it's not the LACK OF consent that is even the issue for
the CBC executive types: it's some marks left on the person of the female
partner of Ghomeshi.
Now the CBC has given an interview [
] in which a female CBC 'head of English programming' is saying that the 'CBC
is not the police'. Really? TTHEY made the decision that the marks on a
woman's body constituted 'assault'. THEY made the decision that S&M sex by one
of their employees in his private off-duty life (pretty private, I'd say) would
reflect badly on the CBC if it become public knowledge - which the Toronto Star
was promising to make it. THEY made the decision to fire a top-notch radio
personality PRIOR TO that public release by the Toronto Star. And now they're
saying 'they're not the police' ?!
You bet they're not. NO ONE went to the police over the sexual activities of
Ghomeshi in his private life. No one even laid a formal complaint on
Ghomeshi's actions ON THE JOB, although suddenly everyone seems to have a tale
to tell about his sexual appetites, dating habits, and 'touchiness' incident.
The CBC acted as police, judge and jury on Ghomeshi. They opened up an
atmosphere of 'come to us and tell us your stories' AFTER they publicly
humiliated the man. Now they just can't seem to find those complaints or
stories or any employer actions taken against him for those actions.
Worse still, the Toronto police chief, Bill Blair, has gone public to ASK FOR
female complainants to come forward if they have anything on Ghomeshi. They
obviously aren't getting too much in the way of strong evidence against him, if
they have to go to that extreme. They've also 'invited' Jian Ghomeshi to come
in to talk with him and give his side of the story. Are we kidding here?
If there is enough evidence to lay charges against him, they wouldn't need him
to tell 'his side' of any story. They would lay the charges and let the
lawyers for the parties get both sides of the story IN A COURTROOM.
This public lynching is having even more serious side effects as a result of
statements made by the media, by the police and by lawyers who seem to know
less than about such cases than do some professionals who deal with sexual
assault cases. The fact that the police have made it clear that there 'is no
statute of limitations on assault or sexual assault' has many people who have
experienced sexual harassment or sexual assault suddenly 'remembering and
replaying' the incidents from their pasts. And for many of these, the current
example of a man's career, personal reputation, and future job prospects being
damaged through strictly MEDIA reporting is quite an adventure for them.
If the stats on 'unreported sexual assaults' is anywhere near what is being
reported, then there are thousands upon thousands of 'victims' out there who
can take advantage of the current system of roasting a person through the media
- without even having to provide proof of the acts in their accusation. The
media will be their weapon or mechanism to inflict real and serious punishment
or revenge. This could even become a tool for taking someone 'down' for past
humiliations or even business transactions gone wrong.
The examples are now pouring in: MPs in the House pointing the finger at each
other for incidents from the past. Even a homosexual coming forward to point
the finger at someone who was overly 'touchy-feeling' with him. The ALLEGED
offenders are being named. But the accusers, in most part, are NOT.
This is a wholly-opened Pandora's box which will do a whole lot of harm to a
whole lot of people just because of the way THE MEDIA and the POLICE have
handled it. They've implied that their doors are open to any and all
allegations . . . 'come one, come all, we're here to hear you out and to put
the name of your alleged offender in the media'. Where have the voices been
that warned: 'Any accusations will be thoroughly looked at and if enough
evidence is provided or found, charges will be laid and the case WILL PROCEED
Of the NINE women who initially said they had been in some way harassed or
assaulted by Ghomeshi, only THREE went to file a police complaint. And the
police obviously didn't have enough evidence come in from those 3 complainants
to lay charges - they're now appealing, through the media, for any evidence to
support these womens' stories. And still no charges to date.
Now we have the CBC trying to protect their own executive asses by saying THEY
received no complaints from anyone? And no one is coming forward to say that
they took their concerns to a level of even a formal complaint?
Watch what happens in the next few weeks, months and even years . . . . people
who have bitter memories of improper sexual advances are going to use the media
to exact revenge on others. The perpetrators will have names. The accusers
will not. Guess who's already in the winner's box?
I would like to remind the misogynists we have posting here, on these
newsgroups, that they may have had 'bad dates' or sexual interactions in their
past that could make THEM targets of this latest method of 'exacting
punishment'. It's called using the media as the whip. . . . . the best kind of
S&M tool create to date: permanent scars without even owning a riding crop.